PSP News is a News and downloads site for the
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Emulators for PSP
Name = PSP Genesis (Genesis/Megadrive Emulator for PSP)
Authors /Website = Sougen
Screenshots -

Downloads = Here v0.18c
30th July 2005
Just another small update:
- Automatic support for loading old save states (untested since I don't
have any old save states around)
- Option to change the sound quality. (44100 is not recommended because
it needs a lot of processing power to emulate the ym2612 chip at that frequency),
but it's there if you really want it.
Just some info on the 6-button setting. You should only turn it on for
games that support it. A lot of games don't handle the 6-button controller
properly (which is why there is a 'Mode' button on a real controller that
you hold down when you power up the megadrive). I'll have a look at seeing
if this can be autodetected.
Just so people won't be guessing/asking later on, I am currently really
busy, so there won't be much releases for a while.
Here v0.17 24th July
I've just uploaded the latest version of PSPGenesis. There are a lot of
changes in this version, so there may be some unforseen issues, but the
major changes are:
- 6 button joystick support
- zip support (using Ruka's unziplib)
- fixed a bug in save states (current saves won't work - if you really,
really want your old save I could consider writing a converter... ).
- user definable controls
- optimized the sound code a bit (more games run faster now).
- games list is now sorted
- implemented new ui
- user skins support for ui
- return to current game support
- frameskip options (note, if you have manual frameskip and the
game cant keep up, the sound will obviously be jumpy if u dont
have auto frameskip on)
- vsync option
- multiple save slots per game
- experimental 50Hz conversion
- added 266Mhz CPU speed setting
- other miscellaneous fixes and features
If you're running a 1.50 psp, make sure you have all the new skin files
in the proper directory.
Here v0.16 17th July
Just a small update. I've optimised the display code a little, so you'll
notice a speed improvement in all scaling modes now. The emulator should
run better than all previous versions.
And JcBoyCool, yeah, the analogue stick and trigger controls is just a temporary
measure until a proper ingame ui is written.
Here v0.15 17th July
Sourcecode v0.15 Here
17th July 2005
I have put up a new release of PSPGenesis. This is more of a test to see
if people still get the random hangs. I've play tested the emulator for
a few hours without any hangs so it looks like that bug is possibly fixed
The main changes in this version are:
- Fixed random hangs (hopefully!)
- switched to pspsdk
- Save state support
- Preliminary (unoptimized) Screen Scaling
- (Really ugly) preliminary source release
Currently you can only save/load to one game slot because I don't have
an in-game ui, but this will be resolved soon when I rewrite the ui. Please
see the readme for the in-game controls for saving/loading and screen scaling
(Yes, I know it is a bit fiddly to use at the moment )
The main things on my list of todo's currently are
- 6 button support
- zip files
- ingame ui
- display optimisation
- game compatibility fixes
- emulator optimisation
In regards to the source code, you will HAVE TO read the README.TXT file
just so you understand why the source was released in such a messy state
as the password for the source code is in that file.
Here v0.13 23rd June
Here v0.12b 20th June
Here v0.11 19th June 2005
The emulator defaults to 222Mhz now, and you can switch it to 333Mhz from
the menu.
Here v0.1 18th June
Information =
PSPGenesis v0.1
This is a port of the Megadrive/Genesis emulator 'generator' to the PSP.
It currently runs about 90% of the games with sound support.
This emulator sets the PSP's cpu to 333Mhz, and although the author has
played the
emulator for hours on end without any issues, the author cannot be held
liable if
this damages your PSP.
- Extract the files in this archive to the following directory:
- [MemoryStick]:\PSP\GAME\PSPGenesis
- The default Rom directory is 'Roms' in same directory as EBOOT.PBP. Although
can put your roms anywhere on your memory stick.
Menu Controls
[D-Pad] - Browse Files
[Circle] - Start Game / Change Directory
[Triangle] - Toggle 'Sound Speed Fix'
[Square] - Toggle Line/Cell rendering
[Triggers] - Switch between country regions
[Home] - Go back to PSP Browser
In-Game Controls
[D-Pad] - Genesis D-Pad
[Square/Triangle] - Genesis A Button
[Cross] - Genesis B Button
[Circle] - Genesis C Button[Start] - Genesis Start Button
[Select] - Go back to Game Selection Menu
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