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Emulators for PSP
Name = PSPGBA (GameboyAdvance Emulator for the PSP)
Authors /Website = PSP298
new from PSP Emulation News (please credit this site if
you use them)

Downloads = Download 76 Freeware GBA Roms from Here ->
PSP GBA Source Here 2nd November
PSPGBA v1.1 25th October 2005 Discuss
Here -->
Change in v1.1
- Speed increase, how much, try it and see it yourself
- Add 240x160 screen mode
- Add vsync on/off, can speed-up a little bit for some game
PSPGBA v1.0 Here October 17th 2005
/ Discuss this release Here -->
Full 16:9 Screensize
Uses 333mhz Speed
Rom Selector Included
Config Menu
Information =
Game Boy Advance Emulator for the PSP
Unzip the package and copy all files to your memory stick, and from your
screen navigate to GAME MEMORY STICK and select the emulator to run. Follow
the screen instruction to use it.
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