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PSP Homebrew
Name = FTP Client
Authors /Website = Liquid8

Downloads = Updated 10th October 2005 Here
Information = PSP FTP Client
by: LiQuiD8d
contact me at:
v .99
A basic ftp client for the PSP. Began working on this in August, 2005. By
August 23, I was able to successfully transfer a file via ftp to the psp.
I just started learning C about a month earlier, and played around with
some of the sdk samples. When I saw the ftp server, I knew a client was
needed, mainly as I wanted to do PSP 2 PSP transfers. My original and eventual
goal is to create a file sharing program, to make it easy to transfer files
back and forth without a USB cable.
My intent with this is more to make the functions available for other programs
to access ftp as opposed to a full out ftp client, but I at least have working
standalone functionality available for standard use.
When entering text, use Up/Down to change characters, and Left/Right to
adjust, and X to confirm.
Once connected, L/R will change the command, and X to confirm.
Note: I HIGHLY recommend turning off the WLAN Power save in your PSP configuration
menu, as this seems to really slow and/or cause problems.
Much Thanks goes to:
PSPPet (wifi sample src)
PSPKrazy (ftpd src)
NCFTP/Mike Gleason for some coding and understanding of ftp clients
71M for help and implementation into FileAssistant++
Shazz for additional assistance!
All those who bust their ass in the ps2dev forums, great job!
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