PSP News is a News and downloads site for the
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Emulators for PSP
Name = PSPChip8 (Chip8 Emulator for the PSP)
Authors /Website = APSD
Screenshots -

Downloads = Here 28th July 2005
Information = Almost two months ago, before I got busy with the infrared
stuff, I wanted to write a first emulator and got advice from ector to start
with Chip8 interpreter... About three days after I wrote a working version
on my computer, I ported it to the PSP and ever since it has been sitting
I've finally gathered up this post to release this beta version of the
emulator. I call it beta for three reasons, the first is that there is a
bug I need to weed out that causes it to improperly play tetris, the second
is that the key arrangement is currently not optimized, the third is that
the sound code for the single "beep" (which can be varied in length
throughout the games) isn't implemented. (the Chip8 interpreter has 16 keys,
so all convenient keys on the PSP are used (Circle, Triangle, Cross, Square,
Up, Down, Left, Right, Analog stick up, down, left, right, and a few others...
two keys are disabled in this version).
I've packaged the interpreter with just about every Chip8 game (they're
public domain) I could find.
I'll release the source once I clean it up.
Expect SCHIP8 (SuperChip8- a few new instructions, extended screen) support
in about two releases- these games are slightly more interesting.
Read the readme for more information, and check wikipedia if you want to
learn more about CHIP-8.
Don't expect these "games" to be breathtaking. [S]CHIP-8 was
a very simple interpreter.
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