PSP News is a News and downloads site for the
Playstation Portable, We have all the latest emulators, homebrew,
commercial games for the PSP and all the downloads on this site,
we also cover commercial gaming and console news. Part of the
DCEmu Homebrew & Gaming Network.
Sang 30 Day Coding Comp #1
The PSP NEWS & Lik Sang 30 Day Coding Comp winner is
now to be announced, heres a quick rundown of the entrants:
The Entrants
William Edmeades - Loki (#1)
Stéphane Lévesque - Ikuzo (#2)
Deniska / NOIZ2SAv07 (#3)
Mike Haggar - PSPicross 0.2(#4)
Xul8t0r / Submission (#5)
PSmonkey / Quake 3 Bsp Map Viewer (#6)
l33th4x0r / Connect 4 (#7)
The downloads and screenshots can be found here -->
Heres the scores:
NOIZ2SA By Deniska 37.5
IKUZO By Stéphane Lévesque 36
Quake 3 BSP Map Viewer By PSmonkey 33.5
PsPicross 0.2 By Mike Haggar 32.5
Submission By Xul8t0r 21
LOKI By matthew edmeades 21
Connect 4 By l33th4x0r 14
The winner for the contest was NOIZ2SA By Deniska with a score of 37.5
out of 50 Points followed closely by Ikuzo on 36 and then PSMonkeys Quake
3 BSP Viewer.
I would like to thank Lik Sang for sponsoring the first 30 Day Coding Contest
for the PSP. I would also like to thank the 7 coders whos entrys i received
and finally the 5 judges from our forums who helped choose the eventual
PSP News and Lik
Sang are proud to announce the first PSP 30 Day Coding Competition.
The Entrants
William Edmeades - Loki (#1)

Download Here
This is not a complete game but rather an insight to making this game and
a demo of the game itself. I do not expect to win anything as it is not
finished or tuned to perfection as it still has problems which can be easily
solved and changed. I do not have the time at this moment to complete this
project but if people find it interesting and want it completed, I will
try my hardest to complete this project.
Do anything you want with this release, if you dont like it, Kill it. I
will try to release a good LUA game with plenty of comments in the near
future as long as everything that i plan goes well.
Stéphane Lévesque - Ikuzo (#2)

Download Here
This game work on firmware 2.0, & 1.5
Deniska / NOIZ2SAv07 (#3)

Download Here
NEW IN V0.7:
- tate mode: lot's of people requested this feature...More room for action
& better scaling. looks and controls much like "Star Soldier"
Note: I desided to create a separate tate-mode version, since it's using
different sized graphics. If you like the horizontal mode, stick to v0.6
for now.
- !!!!nicer graphics: customizable backgrounds, wireframe mode, semi-transparent
- new blue color scheme. If you like the original graphics, ovewrite the
files in images directory with the stuff from images_classic.
You can still create your own color schemes/backgrounds/hud. Just edit
the files in images directory.
- 50% new soundtracks..
- Menu graphics logic adjustments.
- Numerous optimizations and bug fixes.
- src code included..
Mike Haggar - PSPicross 0.2(#4)

Picross (a.k.a. nonogram, pic-a-pix, griddler, etc.) game for the PSP.
Made in LUA for PSP.
You'll need LUA 0.11 or better to run this game.
PSPicross 0.2 PSP 1.50
version standalone version (if you don't want to download LUA).
PSPicross 0.2 PSP 1.00
version standalone version.
PSPicross 0.2 PSP 2.00
version standalone version.
PSPicross 0.2 PSP LUA
0.11 version (if you already got LUA 0.11 or better.)
Xul8t0r / Submission (#5)

Download Here
Press X to start the game. Use the analog controller to move the pointer,
and use X to fire a missile. You can only have one missile in the water
at the time. Look at the small square in the down-left corner to see when
you can shoot. Green means that you can shoot, while red means that you
cannot. Try hitting the bigger boats for most points. You have 20 missiles,
and there's 30 boats to hit. If you run out of missiles, or there's no boats
left, then the game is over. You can press start at any time to quit the
PSmonkey / Quake 3 Bsp Map Viewer (#6)

Download Here
This is a simple app writen over the past 2 days that lets you view a
quake 3 bsp map file on the psp. This is early alpha build!!
l33th4x0r / Connect 4 (#7)

Download Here
2 player connect4
The contest will run from October 8th 00:01am 2005 to November 7th, 2005.
The contest will end at 11.59pm gmt , (the end of November 7th , 2005).
Software can be for any version PSP.
Submissions for the contest should be sent to or
messaged to wraggster on the DCEmu
UK forums or posted in the Private
Developers Forum
Submissions must be new or updated releases and ones that havent been publically
released before the winner of the contest is announced.
Submissions will be posted over a 2 day period or less if the amount of
entries is small starting November 8th.
Multiple entries are allowed although only the best entry will win prizes.
Entries must be freeware so that when tournament ends they can be distributed.
This competition is open to anyone and all software for the PSP.
The Judging will be done by 5 selected DCEmu Forum Members after a poll
decides who the top 5 entries are (the poll will run for 2 days).
The winner will be announced on the 12th November 2005.
One main prize of a complete package of essential PSP accessories:
PlayGear Amp

3200mAh Battery Pack

Charging Cradle

Portable Pouch Style (Ash Black)

UMD Pocket (Black)

Transfer/Recharge Cable (2in1)

Crystal Filter

Good Luck :)
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