PSP News is a News and downloads site for the Playstation Portable, We have all the latest emulators, homebrew, commercial games for the PSP and all the downloads on this site, we also cover commercial gaming and console news. Part of the DCEmu Homebrew & Gaming Network.

PSP Homebrew

Name = PortableVNC

Authors /Website = NHD


Downloads = v1.1 Here 11th July 2005

Beta 1 HERE 6th july 2005

Information =

_________ * *
* | _____ | \\ // * Application: PortableVNC *
* | ________| \\_//N * Release: July 5 2005 / 1.0 *
* |_| O R T A B L E \_/ C * Platform: Sony PSP *
* * *
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* *
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What is VNC?

VNC stands for Virtual Networked Computing.
It simply means you can use your portable to controll things
that run on your PC.

What about GPL?

PortableVNC is based on PalmVNC and thus is under the GPL
License. The graphics used are copyright their respected
authors and NOT under the GPL License.

How safe is this to run?

As with any current homebrew on PSP you may have serious
problems, including corruption of your memorystick or the
settings stored in your PSP. That said, I've not had any
issues with the current version causing destruction.
Currently you should NOT suspend your PSP while running this
application or mess with the WiFi switch while it is running
Either will lockup the networking code. Also try to stay
within your WiFi range. Should a lockup occur, hold the
power switch up for 5 seconds, release it, then wait 5 more,
and power your psp back on.

What are the Controls?

Controls in the menus are noted at the bottom of the screen.
To return to the host menu press SELECT while connected.
To switch between mouse, scrollbars, virtual keyboard, and
dpad mode press Triangle while connected.
Pressing Home at any time will display the exit menu.

Who made this?

I am NHD of TeamXos, I've been writing applications for
game systems for the past decade. I've been known by many
names, I wont bother listing them here.


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