PSP News is a News and downloads site for the
Playstation Portable, We have all the latest emulators, homebrew,
commercial games for the PSP and all the downloads on this site,
we also cover commercial gaming and console news. Part of the
DCEmu Homebrew & Gaming Network.
Emulators for PSP
Name = PCEP (PC Engine Emulator for PSP)
Authors /Website = Kamisama
Screenshots -

Downloads = Here v0.7 22nd
June 2005
Here v0.62 18th June
Here v0.61 17th June
Here v0.6 15th June 2005
Here v0.53 Updated 1st
June 2005
Information = PC Engine emulator for the PSP :)
V1.0 PSP Only
Translation from Smiths (Translator who works for
PC Engine Emulator Test 0.1 - by Kamisama
[Note from English translator: This is a TEST/DEBUG version,
there are numbers and messages displayed all over the screen
used for debug/error reporting purposes]
Place EBOOT.PBP in a subfolder of /PSP/GAME/
Place PC-Engine games on your memory stick
File Selection
D-Pad - Move
O - Confirm
X - Go back a directory
START - Return to the PSP Browser
START - Return to file selection
Others are no-brainers
Nothing major, but sometimes sound stopped. It's an in-progress
0.1 It works for now
GB File Selector's source was used for menu browsing, file
selection, etc.
Other sample sources were also used.
This application uses the font called "Naga10" found
English Translation by Smiths of Emuholic [].
If used, a link to Emuholic MUST be posted as well. We understand
English, right?
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