PSP News is a News and downloads site for the
Playstation Portable, We have all the latest emulators, homebrew,
commercial games for the PSP and all the downloads on this site,
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Emulators for PSP
Name = NGPSP (NeoGeo Pocket Emulator for the PSP)
Authors /Website = Nexis2600
Screenshots - Thanks to Guyfawkes on IRC for the top screenshot

Downloads = NGPSP V1.31
15th September 2005
-- Update September 15th --
Sorry this build took so long. I actualy forgot to finish it off when I
had issues with getting irda to work. I desided to just go ahead
and release this build as there are a few who wish to have it. Yet there
is a few issues with this build. First Samurai Shodown 2 & Last blade
have some serious issues with the emulator. I have no idea what broke still
but both games will lock up for a few mins durring a battle then
resume but yet keep repeating this every so often. Someone told me Sonic
was not working in the last build but seem to be fine in this build
(I played till the 2nd world just fine). The game is actualy decent to play
at 333 and a frameskip of 4. Well thats about it. Enjoy.
Oh one last thing. Thanks to everybody who donated for me to get a second
PSP. I have been working on the wifi library, dubed Nemo, and I am
very very close to getting adhoc suport done for p2p. So hopefuly I can
get a adhoc demo out in the near future once i can finish off the
rewrite of the librarys. Exspect a huge thank you personaly to every donator
in the wifi demo.
Ps. I officialy changed my name from nexis2600 to PSmonkey now.
-- *NOTE* - This build defaults to 333Mhz as it was a development build.
You can still downclock the emu to 222 via the menu.
.) Removed VSync from rendering. Games get a small boost and framerate is
now around 40-50 fps in most games. A improvement over being a pretty solid
.) Sound code is there but ungodly bad. I left it in this build in the hope
someone can help me out with correcting it and getting it accurate.
.) Suport for using a real bios added but disabled in this build.
Here v1.3 11th July 2005
Speed improvements (listed below).
-- Some games are now running at 30-35 FPS with a frameskip of 1 (at 333Mhz).
-- Puzzle Link 2 now runs at 45-60 FPS with a frameskip of 4 (at 333Mhz).
Allow for a few instruction runs before checking timmers/triggers (vblank
& interupts).
Added in a faster FETCH8 by making a special case mem read to check the
rom space first.
Added a Load24 and write24 to mem.c to speed up the fetch24 function.
A color bug in B&W games was fixed.
Added a key configuration menu (button config is saved to memstick).
HERE v1.21 13th June 2005
.) User Cpu Clocking. You can now change the CPU speed of
your psp.
!! WARNING !! By changing the CPU speed you accept full responcibility
for any damage your psp might occur.
HERE v1.2 12th
June 2005
.) Implimented CZ80 core but seems slower then old Z80. So
Code there but not being used.
.) Analog Stick Suport
.) BG added (walpaper.bmp needs to be in same folder as rom)
.) Small speed boost.
.) Cleaned up Src (a bit).
.) Save Ram Working
.) Save & Load States Working
.) Added exit option to menu
.) Learned how to spell his·to·ry!
HERE v1.1 21st
May 2005
Here v1.0 19th may 2005
File Selector Here
Information =
=ngPsp v1.1 by neXis=
==Based on NeoPop by neopop_uk==
= Histroy =
.) Reverted to some old code to fix some bad hacks made from
s60 port
.) More games working (like metal slug)
.) Small speed boost
.) First build
.) Basic menu
.) High compatibility
.) Slow but decent FPS
.) No Sound
.) Suports NGP (B&W) & NGPC (Color) Roms
= To Come =
.) Real GUI
.) Rom Selecting
.) Sound
.) Src (sorry, I feel pittiful over my current code, let me
clean it up first)
= To Use =
.) Copy a rom to PSP:\PSP\GAME\NGPSP\ROM.NGP
= Input =
PSP Button - Result
.) In Game
X - A button
O - B button
start - Option button (like start button)
select - return to menu
.) In Menu
Up & Down - Change Selection
Left & Right (on number options) - Change Value
O - Change value or take action
= Thanks =
Snk, neopop_uk, nem, TyRaNiD, RIN & forums
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