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PSP Homebrew
Name = LUA Button Mashing Revolution
Authors /Website = Sam

Downloads = October 21st 2005 Here
Information = Button Mashing Revolution
A clone of DDR
Version 1.0
By Sam
Images by Sam & Chris
BMR is a clone of Dance Dance Revolution. arandompenguin from pspupdates
it, so I gave it a shot. The game has 6 songs, 4 levels of difficulty, and
3 modes.
If you want to use the standalone version, simply copy the BMR and BMR%
folders to
your X:/PSP/GAME/ directory. (X is your PSP drive)
If you want to use this in LuaPlayer, copy the BMR folder to
X:/PSP/GAME/luaplayer/Applications/ directory and delete the EBOOT.PBP in
BMR folder.
If you don't know how to play, it's very simple. As the pictures of buttons
up, try to press that button when it's right over the gray area.
Background Animation:
Stars = Show a starfield in the background
3D Cube = Show the 3D cube in the background
CONTINUE = Exit the menu
END CURRENT GAME = Stop the game and continue to the 'grading' screen
QUIT = Quit the game and return to the options screen
Random Keys, Create X = The sequence of buttons you press are created at
and the number created is X
Unlimited = Non-stop play! To exit this mode, press START and select
'End Current Game'
Read 'keys.txt' = Read the file 'keys.txt' and create keys based on what
it says. (For information, open the file 'keys.txt')
The Score Bar:
There is a bar at the top of the screen, it represents your score. If it
fills up,
it turns white.
Please visit our website at
The 3D Cube background was made by Nils and is used with permission.
This program was made with LuaPlayer .11 by Shine and nevyn
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