PSP News is a News and downloads site for the
Playstation Portable, We have all the latest emulators, homebrew,
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Emulators for PSP
Name = InfoPyuta
Authors /Website = PSP Wiki
Screenshots -

Downloads = Here
v0.02j 9th July 2005
Demos to try Here
and Here
Information = translation via babelfish
Pyuta Computer emulator, uses Rin file selector.
Over at PSP Wiki theres a port of the InfoPyuta
emulator over to the PSP. The Pyuta to me isnt well known but
check out this site for some info -->
(thanks to Smiths for finding it) On the download page ive included
2 demos for download and theres screenshots of the emulator
running, the eboot is in the Zip (with source files) and it
uses the Rin File selector.
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