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PSP Homebrew
Name = File Asistant ++
Authors /Website = 71M

Downloads =
FileAssistant++ (version 0.09)
[9th of October 2005]
Its been some time, but here is another update to FileAssistant++
Changes in this build include:-
[!] Filenames are now correctly read.
[+] Memory stick free space is displayed.
[+] Date and time is displayed on the HUD.
[+] First pass of SWF player, very very buggy!
[+] LUA files are now supported and return to FA++.
[+] Atari YM player support.
[!] Amiga AHX module replay rate fixed.
[+] Images can be zoomed and moved on via analog and dpad.
[~] Text entry is improved.
[~] HOME button now brings up an exit message box.
[~] Background bars can be disabled in skin.xml
[~] The position of HUD icons can be configured.
[+] Credits screen.
[+] Amazing skins package!
v0.08 31st August 2005
[!] Fixed crash when exiting from image viewing.
[+] Version number displayed on HUD.
[+] File size is displayed in the directory list.
[~] Font and background textures are uploaded to VRAM for speed.
[-] Removed dodgy paste into OSX skin.xml
v0.07 29th August 2005 Here
[!] Fixed music playback not stopping when selecting a new file.
[+] Added simple file information dialog box.
[!] Shazz fixed the executable loading.
[+] Config.xml contains all user options.
[~] Current folders are saved.
[~] Folders will automatically refresh.
[~] Option to hide corrupt files.
[~] USB can be turned off at startup using config.xml
[+] Progress bar now shows duration for copying files.
[+] Selecting multiple image files will trigger slideshow mode, use L/R
[+] Images can be flipped and mirrorred, bugs out on large images.
[~] Start hides UI when viewing images.
[+] Skin.xml can now be used to edit the look of the skin.
[+] If background.png exists in your skin folder it will be displayed.
[+] PBP icons are displayed as background when selected (only v1.0 PBPs)
[!] Skin selector now works!
[~] OSX skin included, with traditional FA style view.
HERE 14th August 2005
Information = Hi,
Here is a small application that I've written in conjunction with Lin J.R
and Shazz.
Thanks go out to both of them for their help in producing this application.
It's based on the original File Assistant written by Lin J.R, but has been
souped up with some fancy GPU fueled rendering and ninja C++ coding! :)
You can grab a copy along with the source code from
Give me a shout if you need any of the additional librarys.
Current Features
Copy File
Move File
Delete File
Rename File
Make Directory
View Image ( tga, bmp, png, jpg )
USB Toggle
Music Playback (mp3, ogg, ahx, mod )
Run Executable ( pbp, elf )
Future Features
Text Viewer
True Type Fonts
Skin Browser
PRX/BIN Execution
...and anything else Shazz or Lin J.R have planned! :)
Oh, and I must get around to commenting the code to make it easier to understand!
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