PSP News is a News and downloads site for the
Playstation Portable, We have all the latest emulators, homebrew,
commercial games for the PSP and all the downloads on this site,
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PSP Homebrew
Name = DR Mario
Authors /Website = Hagger

Downloads = September 19th 2005 v0.3
DrMario 0.3 PSP 1.5 version
standalone version (if you don't want to download LUA).
DrMario 0.3 PSP 1.0 version
standalone version.
DrMario 0.3 PSP LUA 0.7 version
(if you already got LUA 0.7b7 or better.)
- Updated code to so it works correctly with LUA 0.10.
- Some code cleanups.
- Added some code so the game generates viruses better.
- Added images and sounds folders.
- Added options menu and saving.
- Added highscore saving.
- Added analogue piece rotation when in vertical mode.
- Added chill music.
- Optimized images.
Information =Haggar has released a quick and dirty port of
Dr. Mario for the PSP using Lua v0.7b2 (the one included in Lowser.)
Included are the 1.0, 1.50 and Lowser versions of this game.
- First release, hopefully with most bugs fixed.
-Left and Right = Control Piece
-Down = Drop faster
-Cross = Rotate Clockwise
-Circle = Rotate Counter-clockwise
-Start = Pause
-Select = Quit (if you use Lowser)
-Hold = Hold
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