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Emulators for PSP
Name = Dgen PSP (Genesis/Megadrive Emulator for the PSP)
Authors /Website = Syn-Z
Screenshots -

Downloads =Dgen PSP v1.30 20 January 2006 V1.0
File V1.5 File / Discuss Here
Ver 1.30 * Turbo mode mounting (in ??????? addition)
* Deletion functional addition of state (SELECT + ?)
* State saving / load verification message option addition
* State date indication
of saving
Dgen PSP v1.20 1st December 2005 V1.0
File V1.5 File
Ver 1.20 * Existing 68k core version rise (MUSASHI 2.0A in 3.3 modification)
* High speed 68k core mounting
* Existing 68k the core and high speed it changed the 68k core with setting
and made possible
* Z80 core replacement
* Core change and reset were added to the ???????
* High speed the 68k core and the Z80 core the NeocCdpsp (the Yoyofr) diverted
the thing
Dgen PSP v1.11 1st November 2005 V1.0
File V1.5 File
Sram error fixed
Dgen PSP v1.10c 31st October 2005 V1.0
File V1.5 File
Dgen PSP v1.10 23rd October 2005 V1.0
File V1.5 File Discuss this release
here -->
Ver 1.10 * VSYNC speed decrease it is not even with ON
* Frame addition of skip and
type * Screen in mode 4: 3 addition
* Sound quality improvement (DAC part)
Dgen PSP v1.00 7th October 2005 V1.0
File V1.5 File Discuss this release
here -->
* The Ver0.93 -> occurs with 0.95 correction
of the bug which * When turning the PSG to OFF, is frozen correction
of the bug which * Several correction of trouble
of games * State sound becoming strange with the load correction
* When sound setting (sampling rate) changing, sound becoming strange correction
* Sound quality improvement (DAC part)
* Performance improvement
Dgen PSP v0.95 12 September 2005 V1.0
File V1.5 File Discuss this release
here -->
Added Cheat List to SKIN.png
Number of scenes of cursors is changed from 4 to 8 in SKIN.png
Cheat codes supported
Skin specifications changed a bit
Force sleep when battery runs low
Data losing issue when turning the power off is now fixed
Dgen PSP v0.93 3rd September 2005
Menu picture correction () such as skin correspondence and color
Battery information, clock indication
The single unit allotment functional addition of L and R key
Speed adjustment functional improvement
v0.90 19th August 2005
Background image correction
Speed functionality improvement
L button for menu
Change page with R button
MENU.BMP or MENU.PNG are menu bg images
BG.BMP or BG.PNG are background images
Games in corresponding folders:
V0.80 (1.5
psp version) 2nd August 2005
Added state saving
Several in-game problems improved
* State Save
- 1 game can have 350KB for state saving (1 file is 30+KB * 10)
- States are saved in "STATE" sub-folder with the same fold where
the EBOOT.PBP is.
- When loading state, the sound will be strange. Please bear with it m(_
- Contents in SRAM is not included
- State Slot 0-4, 5-9
[On Memory and MS] : Save into memory when playing, and write to MS when
the program exits
[On MS ] : Save directly into MS even playing
[On Memory Only ] : Save into memory only (All date will be lost when program
States are loaded from MS as default. You need to choose which mode to
use manually.
* Increment State Save
The Using of Slot 0-9, 0-4 or 5-9 for saving can be automatically switched.
You need to bind this function in the "key config".
V0.70 18th July 2005
Setting and retention
* Screen mode addition (Fit&Full)
* Sound volume setting and addition
* Sound left and right the bug which is opposite correction
v0.60 8th July 2005
- Sound improved
- Sound settings (11/22/44khz, DAC)
- Region settings
- Speed adjustment
- Key repeat in menu screen
v0.50 released 2nd July 2005
Here v001 released 18th June 2005
Information = Fast emulator with Sound
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