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PSP Homebrew

Name = Crazy Paint

Authors /Website = callum bethune


Downloads =

Crazypaint v.3 12th October Release

– Added gui you can make your own save it in crazypaint2/gui.png
– Added load function loads photo/crazypaint.png
– Save funtion saves to photo/crazypaint.png
– Added brush size up/down to change from 1 px to 5px
– Removed annoying color changer just go over the color you want and hit Ltrigger

Crazypaint v.2 11th October Release
added random mp3 played from your music folder
bugs with mp3 player:
dont have anything in your music folder other than mp3s
it will try to load it and will freeze...
all music must be in music folders not in subfolders in music
trying to fix this

Creator: Callum Bethune aka Elevationsnow
Use: drawing pictures and having fun on your
Cross: Pencil tool(hold)
Square: start line or circle (holding isnt cool :( )
Triangle: finish circle (try holding its cool)
Circle: finsh line (try holding its cool)
Left trigger, Right trigger, up, down, left, right, on dpad: change color r g b (try holding when drawing its cool dont hold corresponding though not cool ex (LT, RT) (L,R) (U,D))
Analog: move (non-existant) mouse/(x,y) possition
Select: change current color to background color (default is black)
Start: clear background current color and set background color to current color
LTrigger+RTrigger: capture current color second color box in upper left

Interface: first color box upper left is current draw color second color box is the color your over (hold ltrigger and rtrigger to capture/store to current color)

Bugs/Notfuns: no load picture, if you find more let me know...

Crazy Paint V .2 Release! 1st October 2005

APP: Crazypaint v.2
Creator: Callum Bethune aka Elevationsnow
Use: drawing pictures and having fun on your psp
Cross: Pencil tool(hold)
Square: start line or circle
Triangle: finish circle (try holding its cool)
Circle: finsh line (try holding its cool)
Left trigger, Right trigger, up, down, left, right, on dpad: change color r g b (try holding when drawing its cool dont hold corresponding though not cool ex (LT, RT) (L,R) (U,D))
Analog: move x,y) possition
Select: change current color to background color (default is black)
Start: clear background current color and set background color to current color
LTrigger+RTrigger: capture current color second color box in upper left
Left+Down: Saves to ms0:/psp/photo/crazypaint.png make sure you have the photo folder there or it wont work :-(

Interface: first color box upper left is current draw color second color box is the color your over (hold ltrigger and rtrigger to capture/store to current color)

Bugs/Notfuns: [no load file], no sound want to make it so you can listen to music while you draw(could do just cant be bothered for now), if you find more let me know...

Here 9th September 2005

Information =

Paint proggy for the PSP

This is my first application other than a hello world so bare with me...
i dont believe its that bad so check it out
IT is a paint app called Crazy Paint
My name is callum bethune
the icon is the psp dev 1.5 hack so feel free to change it if you want

controls are as follows
dpad: movement
analog: movement with acceleration
CROSS: Make Red
CIRCLE: Make Blue
SQUARE: Make Green
TRIANGLE: Make Yellow
SELECT: Clear Screen White
START: Clear Sreen Black
well thats it for controls

please post comments on additions and etc. the one thing i already know to add is a pointer so you know where the brush is and different brush sizes
P.S if you want to not write go to the back ground color(for now until i make it better)

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