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Emulators for PSP
Name = CPCPSP (Amstrad CPC Emulator)
Authors /Website = Nige
Screenshots -
Downloads = Version 0.1 24th December
2005 / Discuss this release here -->
Information =
Merry Christmas and happy new year! CPCPSP is a port of the Caprice32 Amstrad
CPC emulator for the Sony PSP.
Version 0.1 contains:
Without sound, about 92% of original CPC speed
With sound, about 75% of original CPC speed
Emulation of the 464, 664 or 6128
64/128k snapshot support
Very accurate emulation
To run the emulator, you need to unzip the files to the PSP\GAME folder
on your PSP, then add a snapshot named 'snapsnot.sna' to the 'Snap' folder.
Unfortunately I'm not able to supply snapshots so please don't ask for them
- however all of the main CPC emulators can create them..
Once in the emulator, press Start to load the snapshot. Press Select to
toggle the CPU speed between 133 and 300 Mhz. X is Fire, O is Fire2. L is
'1', R is '3' (this helps to get Cybernoid 2 up and running).
This has only been tested on firmware 1.50. Please let me know if it works
on firmware 1.0 or 2.0 with the eboot loader.
The default is to have sound enabled. You can edit the config file 'cap32.cfg'
to change this. Changing the other options is a Bad Thing at the moment!
Over the forthcoming releases, the following things should be added:
Disk (.DSK) support
Tape (.TAP) support
A virtual keyboard
A centred screen (and maybe some more screen modes)
Faster emulation
A better webpage (it couldn't get much worse)
Known bugs:
Video overwriting - there is some video corruption in places where the CPC
screen shouldn't be intruding
Slowness! Accuracy is good but things need to speed up
User options. Config file mucking around can result in PSP crashes (you
have been warned)
Dodgy sound. This is due to the emulator not running at 100% of original
First off, 99% of the credit for this emulator should go to Ulrich Doewich,
Andreas Micklei, Stephane Marchesin and Jurgen De Backer who develop and
maintain the Caprice32 code.
The other 1% should go to Urchin for getting me to release the damn thing!
If this project even achieves half of what c64psp has done then I'll be
very happy.
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