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PSP Homebrew
Name = Battleships
Authors /Website = Elevation Snow

Downloads =
October 18th 2005 Here
Elevationsnow has just released the latest version of his battleship game.
Here is what he had to say:
Hey guys you may remember my release of the battle ship beta about a week
ago and remeber it being incredibly slow and boring and ugly well its all
updated its full screen its fun its fast right now you play against the
psp but in a week or so expect wirless play against your friends. so first
you place your ships and then you go into shooting down ships right now
there are a few bugs like it auto selects yoru shoot spot the first time,
and some ugly graphic errors but no biggies its most definatly playable
so go shoot some psp ships!
October 14th 2005 Here
Information = Battleships for PSP
This is a very early version but i figured if any one really wanted to
play it its playable
it will start of black screen now if you use the arrows to move your first
ship and circle to rotate it then x to place it
then it will continue to ship 3 ship 4 ship 5 and the second ship 3 now
you get a blue ocean use the arrow keys to select a point you wish to bomb
it will tell you if you hit or miss then you hit O now its the computers
turn it will show your ships and if the computer hit or miss hit triangle
and continue until you or the computer wins again this is a verry verry
very early beta expect much bigger and better in the near future. you will
need the batship batship% and ships folder named correctly in the game folder
One more time very early beta
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