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Emulators for PSP
Name = Basilisk II PSP Port (Mac Emulator)
Authors /Website = ChaosKnight
Screenshots -

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Basilisk Sprint by Arwin 15th October
2005 (Source)
Anyway, I fixed a few small bugs. Now that there are two input routines
dealing with either extended mouse control or the p-sprint integration,
the 'Enter' key should be left to p-sprint. It's not necessary, but there's
a small key-repeat bug (the Enter key now 'sticks' in keyboard emu mode)
that you can simply get rid of by removing the non-p-sprint handling of
that key. I also fixed the (number) 9 key (now gave 7) and the 5 and 6 keys
(which were reversed). Other than that, most things seem ok now. You can
test quite well with the Key Caps application - holding the key will eventually
light it up on this virtual keyboard.
I also think that the extra mousemode isn't really necessary if you work
out the threshhold levels better - only put full mouse speed near the extremes
of the analog stick range, and let everything in between be slow/precise
movement that you have on the cursor keys now should do the trick and removes
the need for switching between different methods. I'll have a look if I
can at least modify the p-sprint routine to work that way, then it won't
do harm either
Updated Release by Chaos Knight 15 October 2005
Okay, I am releasing this in hopes to get more video-knowledgable people
interested in helping out. There are two binaries I am posting. There is
no system.dsk in these folders, you will need to provide your own system.dsk
and mac.rom.
P-Sprint (press select to switch between P-Sprint and Mouse mode)
Automatically adds DSK and HFV files
Supports MacOS 8
3 Levels of mouse sensitivity (DPad = slow, Analog Light = Mid, Analog Heavy
= Fast)
Fake Color (Fast but Red & Blue are
Real Color (Very Slow but all colors are
I may not be working on this for awhile as work and life have gotten hectic
simultaniously. Let me know if you want to develop and what piece, I would
still like to maintain control of integration.
Thanks everyone for your support!
Here 11th October 2005
It looks like POSIX is required for Extended FS. I tried to get around
it with writing my own functions but to no avail. Not enough time today.
I'll work on it a bit later maybe. I'm taking suggestions for what to work
on next (proper color? ethernet? mac os 8? who knows?). I have uploaded
a new binary set (for unzipping on your memory stick!) which will load up
any HFV or DSK file that is sitting around. No more required startup.dsk...
although you can keep it and it will still work.
-- EDIT --
Forgot to put this in. The analog pad moves 2px at a time, which is too
much for hitting small controls sometimes, so I made the DPad do 1px. Much
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Information =
What Works
Video (wrong colors, slow)
Input (start = return, mouse = analog + X = click)
What Doesn't
External Filesystem (ability to use flash0:, mc0:, etc...)
Serial (no irda0: support yet)
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