PSP News is a News and downloads site for the
Playstation Portable, We have all the latest emulators, homebrew,
commercial games for the PSP and all the downloads on this site,
we also cover commercial gaming and console news. Part of the
DCEmu Homebrew & Gaming Network.
PSP Homebrew and Hacking Pages
App Name = PSP Swap Trick Exploit
Authors = PSP DEV
Here's a basic rundown on how to "convert" a normal homebrew
program to run on a 1.5: Take a program called the "MS Swap
Tool" Select the homebrew file you want to use on your 1.5
PSP Select an Output Directory Click on "Generate Files" and
it will make 2 directories on your Harddrive. Copy the stuff
in MS1 into a directory like \PSP\GAMES\TEST on your
first Memory Stick Copy the stuff in MS2 into a directory
like \PSP\GAMES\TEST on your second Memory Stick
Now, to actually launch the file: Take out any UMD that may
be in the PSP Go to the Game > Memory Stick menu and highlight
the Launcher Icon but don't press any buttons As soon as you
press the button to launch the homebrew app, you must quickly
swap out your first memory stick with the second memory stick
WARNING: Removing the memory stick while the PSP is accessing
it can damage the memory stick and possibly damage your PSP
as well.
Download the files needed here --> v2 Here
Discuss Here -->
First version had a bug. It's fixed this time. ||
|| Linux version has been added too.
Its prooved it works so try it and discuss your results here
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