PSP News is a News and downloads site for the
Playstation Portable, We have all the latest emulators, homebrew,
commercial games for the PSP and all the downloads on this site,
we also cover commercial gaming and console news. Part of the
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Sang 15 Day Lua Coding Comp
PSP News and Lik
Sang are proud to announce the first 15Day Lua Coding Competition.
PSP News and Lik Sang are proud to announce the first 15Day Lua Coding
Competition Results
Entry #1 PengBobsled v0.9
Good dodge the rocks game score 7/10
Entry #2 PSP Drug Lord
Unique build your money up game, score 8.5/10
Entry #3 PSP Game Builder
Great PSP Game Building app, score 8/10
Entry #4 BMR 1.2
DDR type game, score 7/10
Entry #5 Kramer's Lua Demo
Simple demo, score 3/10
Entry #6 Maze Thing
didnt work, score 0/10
Entry #7 GALPSP
create your own adventure game, score 7.5/10
Entry #8 Serve 'N Go
addictive game score 8/10
Entry #9 Math Facts v 1.0
nice educational title for the PSP, score 7/10
Entry #10 Cargame v0.2
racing game, score 7/10
Entry #11 Electris 1.0
Unique puzzle game my fave 9/10
So there you have it, i did write longer reviews but the bloody computer
crashed and at this time of day im keeeping things short and sweet.
I would like to say a massive thanks to all entrees, there was some real
gems amongst them and to be honest it was very hard to choose a winner.
Massive thanks to Lik Sang for supporting another PSP coding competition
So for those who havent read above the winner is
Entry #11 Electris 1.0
and second place
Entry #2 PSP Drug Lord
They share the 4 prizes donated by Lik Sang winner gets to choose if he
wants the cradle/battery pack or the faceplate/buttons, the runner up gets
the prizes not chosen.
can the winner/runner up pm me to discuss choices/ addresses etc
Entry #1 PengBobsled
Entry #2 PSP
Drug Lord
Entry #3 PSP
Game Builder
Entry #4 BMR
Entry #5 Kramer's
Lua Demo
Entry #6 Maze
Entry #7 GALPSP
Entry #8 Serve
'N Go
Entry #9 Math
Facts v 1.0
Entry #10 Cargame
Entry #11 Electris
The contest will run from May 2nd 2006 00:01am 2005 to May17th, 2006.
The contest will end at 11.59pm gmt , (the end of May 17th , 2006).
Software can be for any version PSP
Submissions for the contest should be messaged to wraggster on the DCEmu
UK forums or posted in the Private
Developers Forum
Submissions must be new or updated releases and ones that havent been publically
released before the winner of the contest is announced. (Meaning that if
its a new version of an old release say PSPMillionaire v1.3 it shouldnt
be released anywhere before the winner of the comp is announced)
Submissions will be posted over a 2 day period or less if the amount of
entries is small starting May 19th.
Multiple entries are allowed although only the best entry will win prizes.
Entries must be freeware so that when tournament ends they can be distributed.
This competition is open to anyone and all Lua software for the PSP
The Judging will be done by wraggster
The winners will be announced on the 21st May 2006
The Prizes to the winners are 2 of the following - either the multi cradle
and the battery pack or the replacement faceplate and button set

The Multi-Cradle
is a cradle style charging solution that includes stereo speakers, multiple
viewing angles, and stylish blue lights.
Battery Pack 2600mAh
A high quality lithium
battery pack able to be recharged over 10,000 times. The battery pack
provides 2600mAh of power for your PSP.
Faceplate (e.g. Liquid Platinum) (color winner's choice)

Replace your boring
faceplate with exclusive new colors
Button Set (e.g. Agent Orange) (color winner's choice)

button set for PSP including the digital pad (D-Pad), Analog stick and
all face buttons including the 4 main action buttons, start, select &
home, volume, audio and display.
Good Luck :)
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